Isn't it time you took control of your financial future?





What's holding you back?  There's no time like the present. 
It's time to step out!





Contact me today to get started:





You're finally fed up!  It's time to move on, but you don't want to work for another "boss".  What's your next step?  How do you get started?  Where are the pitfalls and how do I really do this?  How do I succeed?

Hi, my name is Scott Madans.  I'm well into my 60's and have had many business successes -- and some failures.  I've been an entrepreneur in my own businesses, in sales for other companies, and deal-making my entire life -- ever since my first sales job in the hardware store at the age of 13.  I've worked for small companies; started, ran, and sold my own companies; and been the Director of International Sales for a Fortune 1000 public telecom company (Inter-Tel INTL acquired by Mitel MITL).

My best education has come through mentors and through actually doing.  What does that mean to you?  It means I can use my decades of experience to help you develop a realistic plan, execute on your plan, or get you from where you are today, to the next level.

Let me be your guide.  Are you starting from scratch?  No problem.  I started my first successful company in AutoCAD dealership.  Are you a small to mid-size company looking to get custom software built with a global roll-out?  I can help you with that.  Do you have a project that needs managing?  I'm your guy.

I truly enjoy helping startups succeed.  If you would like to chat, drop me an email.  We'll pick a mutually agreeable time and see what we can do together.

All the best!

-- Scott